Over ten thousand children were diagnosed nationally with cancer in 2014. Availability of authentic “children’s” wigs to meet this demand is estimated to run short by more than 50% in 2016.
Our primary mission at HHF is to try and meet this shortage while providing authentic “high-quality children’s, and young adult’s wigs”. To accomplish this, we need to obtain a large amount of beautiful, high-quality texture less mature hair. An essential requirement needed for making authentic wigs of this type. (This will alleviate having to re-purposed adult wigs for use on children.
In previous years a majority of the problem stemmed from 80% of the ponytails that were donated were not meeting wig making requirements, given to the five top wig charities in the US. Coincidentally were being thrown in the garbage. A stark contrast to what the donors thought was happening to their hair. So HHF decided to conduct a study. The study measured whether having the additional assistance of a professional hair stylist could improve the quality of ponytail donations harvested. And also, would help reduce the amount of usable wig hair available for making appropriate wigs.
Based on the study’s results HHF discovered that by providing an improved method of obtaining a higher percentage of quality hair harvested, that HHF could meet the required wig manufacturing objective and close the gap on discarded donations by over 50%. Resulting in being able to provide wigs for better than 30% for the children whose hair needs are not currently being properly met. HHF then measured the cost of producing a true child’s wig and determined that 10% of the cost to create it could, therefore, be shared between hair stylists across the US without compromising the charitable purpose of the foundations function. This fact helped to seal the decision to partner with hair stylists under an elective compensation incentivized program. Provided that their assistance was practical, and easy to implement into their existing businesses. To accomplish this challenge, the Hair Hero Rescue program was developed.
The Hair Hero Rescue program is a highly simplified internet based front office. Is organized in such a way that an average person with a computer or smart phone can quickly navigate and obtain virtually any needed resource (forms, calendar, volunteer help, etc.). Tools that are required for accomplishing obtaining quality hair donations.
As the Hair Hero Rescue Program began to take shape, HHF realized that further incentive for hairstylists in its ordinary course of business. For example, a “Community Business Growth and Development Program” is offered to hair stylists at no cost for additionally participating in fitting children with wigs. For example, member-stylists are introduced to new customers and are also recognized in the companies local advertising, published under charitable member representatives of the community. Volunteers on the other hand are registered on the website as non-members but are provided access to the website and are offered similar opportunities though are not included nor do they come with the same level of free additional value, that a membership provides. Memberships are available for five different levels of involvement. All are very affordable. Priced well under the value provided. All provide significant help to hair stylists who would like to gain recognition in his or her career in the community.
Besides strong incentives, and opportunities for earning extra money, and meeting new clients, member stylists gain a partner in a charity. Accomplishing a very necessary and important need in our society. Charitable recognition and community support goes a long way in a hair stylist’s career. Giving back generally provides rewards many times over, and in a multitude of ways. Besides HHF offering charitable recognition and career growth opportunities. It just feels good to play a role in helping children.
Interested? Registration is Free. A hair stylist’s first step in participating in selling hair is to go to the website and register. Registration allows access to the necessary forms required for selling hair to HHF. Additionally, various help tools are offered to assist a stylist with their clients and grow into this opportunity. (HHF reminds everyone that even although involvement is free, that it has a charitable mission, therefore regular efforts are made to improve the costs of operating the charity.)
If a hair stylist desires to be involved on a greater level, memberships are available under “Join our Cause”. Where an explanation of each membership level is available.
Stylist involvement begins once a donor is identified. The stylist then obtains a commitment from the donor client for a future hair donation. An estimated date is set allowing the donor to receive sponsorship assistance from family and friends. Sponsorship support aids the donor in re-enforcing the his or her commitment, and helps achieve the objective of growing the best quality hair possible. Requiring time, the right haircare, and patience. Sometimes even requiring special hair growth conditioning aid’s, like silk sleep caps or “specialized” frequent trims and the specific haircare conditioning products. It is always a good practice for a stylist to schedule 3 to 4-week hair checkup appointments in advance, upon obtaining initial donation commitment or pledge.
A Hair Hero Stylist should always keep in mind that their goal is to take care of the donor clients hair during the growing process. So have an obligation to involve the donor client with regular interval appointments. They will respect you for your effort.
Remember, the quality of hair donated improves on average by 25-30% with a stylists help. This 50% reduction reduces hair-waste by 80% in hair donated throughout the nation. Whether direct or indirect, a stylist is a professional who’s involvement is well worth the effort and time spent to improve a medical problem. Especially when compared with a child being forced to wear an adult wig. Considering the underlying reason for providing all these wigs in the first place is so that a child’s self-esteem can be improved. Which provides another medical solution. Very few careers offer this kind of opportunity.
We like to use the popular culture term “Hero” to describe hair stylists who are involved in various aspects of helping the Hair Heroes Foundation. After all kids who are dealing with this kind of challenge frequently relate to a hairstylist as their hero.
There are five levels of Hero involvement. From a stylists’ point of view, the difference lies in determining what stage their career is in, and whether they want new customers, charitable recognition, sentimental reasons, etc… The time commitment is not very demanding if your just selling hair. But on the other hand, the appearance business is a people business. And what is good for the people business regularly requires, at least, a few extra hours per month of attention. If you plan on growing a well-rounded long term career, then HHF is a perfect medium for helping you develop your career on its foundation. Keep in mind, the greater the involvement, the greater the support. Inapposite, the lessor the involvement the lessor the support. This way everyone is equally compensated for their efforts.
HHF is an ethically responsible company. We like to support and promote sustainability in all areas of our involvement. We believe that buying direct from a person (stylist) in the US is more ethically responsible than buying hair from a supplier in another country. Though this sometimes may not always be possible when supplying free kids wigs. Though it is the first choice and we know that by buying direct that the money we pay goes straight to the seller and, in this case, the stylist. Which improves HHF’s charitable impact for everyone.
Hair processing and selling involves five simple steps:
- Obtain a commitment to donate hair from a client.
- Enroll donor on HHF website. You can then print their Client Donor Form from the website. (Donor enrollment is required to receive a Donor Pledging Kit. The pledging kit allows for charitable support incentives for the donor to follow through with in accomplishing their goal. It also provides a method of identifying hair origin.)
- Set a future date to cut the hair in relationship to achieving the hair length desired.
- Outline the plan for the client to nurture, maintain and care for the hair between the commitment time and harvest date. Recommend the appropriate services, i.e.,…split-end trims, conditioning treatments, ect. Making appointments in advance as much as possible in agreement with the plan helps to re-enforce the seriousness of this effort.
- On the date set to harvest the hair, cut the hair making sure to follow the provided guidelines.
Estimated Wholesale Hair Value Guide
Hair Length 8 – 10 inches 12 – 15 inches 16 – 18 inches 19 – 22 inches 23 – 26 inches 27 – 30 inches 31 – 33 inches 34 – 36 inches 37 – 40 inches Above 41 inches |
| Wholesale Value $5 – $50 $20 – $110 $30 – $200 $60 – $300 $50 – $500 $50 – $700 $60 – $900 $60 – $1100 $70 – $1400 $80 – $1800 |
Note: That the above is a guide and not a guarantee as the valuation depends upon the quality of the hair. As the hair length increases the spread in price valuation widens because the hair is older, compared to shorter younger hair. Therefore having a greater chance of not meeting usability standards for wigs. The length of hair that most often has the highest percentage of usable strands averages around 14 inches. The weight of the hair is important too, but due to the many variables that affect weight, it is too difficult to estimate value on raw donated hair. Please also note that the prices provided in the Estimated Wholesale Hair Value Guide above are favor Caucasian or European hair. We accept Asian hair although the valuations will be lower.
A short lesson on how raw hair when evaluated for wig use.
When making a wig, the hair is knotted, producing a four-inch return hair. Meaning that individual hair length most often must be greater than twelve inches on the majority of the wig. Our wig makers will use shorter hair as filler hair around the edges only. Requiring less of it. So frequently the shorter hair is discarded and holds a much lower value. To avoid any misunderstandings and to maximize value- When a donor client has hair that is around 12”, have them grow it longer than 14″ before cutting. The prices are significantly better per inch for hair of 16″ and above. So longer is better in this case.
We cannot accept hair shorter than 8″ as the hair will not be long enough for making a wig at all. Hair that is dry or that has too many split ends cannot be accepted either as the quality will not meet the standards required to make children’s wigs. Hair valuations fluctuate. Like any other supply and demand item, as demand increases valuations increase. When demand decreases valuations go down. When there is an excessive amount of a particular color or texture, valuations might drop. And in some cases may not be purchased at all. Therefore, when hair doesn’t match up with requirements, it will be returned if not otherwise designated.
When HHF receives hair for wholesale purchase, a valuation will be placed on the hair in the form of an estimate and sent via email to the senders’ email account. To receive compensation for the donated hair the donor or stylist is required to sign off on the estimate. This process uses a simple digital signature or physical signature obtained by printing and mailing in the email form.
Please note that we grade the hair received according to usability which accounts for the variation in the price range. The total length of hair sent in may not reflect the price outlined above as it may require cutting. Any part of the hair that does not meet or exceed wig manufacturing requirements subtracts from the fair value of the hair in the grading process. The remaining portion of hair includes the final valuation which the buying price is estimated.
Summary of Minimum Requirements for Hair To Be Accepted:
Length | Minimum 8” of usable hair (Often the bottom 2-4 inches have to be cut off due to dryness and split ends.) |
Limited Exception | Hair cannot be too dry and/ or have too many layers (as this renders the hair unusable) |
Unacceptable | Heavily processed/ curly / wet / plaited or braided hair can’t be purchased |
Presentation | Hair must be securely tied in ponytail |
If your hair DOES NOT MEET the above requirements we will be unable to purchase your hair and it will be returned to you or discarded if no other instructions are provided.